Saturday 13 March 2010

Handling Disciplinary Issues

Disciplinary issues are hard on every organization that I have seen work on them. They tear at the very soul of the organization as the people involved are ones many have trusted or befriended.

An important thing to remember about any disciplinary action is to keep it confidential and to make sure that it remains confidential. Even if you think the person has done something serious, you have no right to expose their embarrassment to anybody. People have ears so if you talk about the issue to somebody who has the right to know, you need to worry about those who don't have a right to know over hearing you.

Only those involved in the process have the right to all the details. Even some of the members of the organization do not have the right to know if they did not have the right to be involved in the process. If you expose somebody's little secret, you may be in a huge amount of trouble. You may have just ruined somebody's life. If they go after you in court, you may loose big time.

The rule is simple. Keep quiet!!!! You don't have to tell everybody about things; you are under no obligation to pass on information. So don't.

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